TV animation is an animated work based on the manga of the same name by Japanese cartoonist Issuyama. The animation was produced by WIT STUDIO. In the January 2013 issue (on sale December 8, 2012) of the manga Magazine, it was officially announced that the manga "Attack Giant" would be animated on TV. In 2011, Kodansha KC's official website announced the theater, and is expected to be released in the fall of 2013. The series premiered on April 6, 2013, and the first season is expected to consist of 26 episodes (not including one retrospective). The animation is updated every Sunday morning. The mainland Chinese side shall obtain the copyright. Since then, automatic painting has become one of the most popular anime since 2013, and the original comic has won the first place of "This manga is Awesome" in 2011.
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Since its update, the attack Giant has been liked by the majority of anime fans, because of its hot-blooded nature, positive plot, in addition to a little bloody, can inspire people to work hard. Like some other mainstream comics, justice, bravery, unyielding, and team are all important elements in the composition of anime.
The 26-episode series is scheduled to finish at the end of September.
The attack Giant update time is every Sunday, about 9 o 'clock can be seen.
Watch the latest episode according to the time. In the exclusive right to broadcast, so some other websites released in advance of the attack of the giant 22 episodes, 23 episodes, 24 episodes, etc., are deceptive traffic. It's not scheduled to finish until the end of September.
The animated TV series "Attack Giant" has been enthusiastically supported by fans since it aired in April 2013, and is now set to conclude in the fall. In order to satisfy fans eager to see the end of the series, on September 28, Tokyo Marunouchi Piccadilly cinema will hold an early screening, you can go to the theater to enjoy the exciting finale. Of course, viewers will have to wait until September 29 to see it.